Jumat, 10 September 2010

The Refused - The Shape Of Punk To Come (1998)

Refused are fucking dead.

Why am I posting this here? Mostly cuz I can. Otherwise it's because this band is a rare breed that challenged the foundations of certain genres (or music in general) and ultimately failed but left quite the impact in their wake.
We made this album wanting to challenge peoples preconceptions of what a Punk band could be and what it could play, because Punk is the most conservative musical form there is. Even in Hardcore, there are so many rules about what is and what is not acceptable, and that completely negates the whole spirit of the original idea.

A swedish band who were too hardcore for the punk scene, and too punk for the hardcore scene. They attempted to challenge the foundations of the genre(s) and their inherit limitations and 'rules' as well as battle the internal pressures of being a band in general.

So why should you get this? We here at loadown are of the common stance that genre shouldn't impact your decision making on a band/sound. But it's the first step everyone makes. So why not try an album that says 'fuck that' and has enough oomph to choke a horse.
So hop on the dick train and ride!

Quality: 320c
Download: http://lix.in/-8eceda


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